Notes: I’ve updated some URLs on the site, so there may be some 404s. I’ll fix them as I see ’em. I’ve updated the Week 1 Update post to include team power rankings, too! Expect these to be added to the podcast and the weekly posts.
Divergent League’s first set of Sunday Afternoon games starts off with an inter-family rivalry: Phil’s Mets .vs. Chuck’s Expos. Who will win this battle for Nelson Baseball Supremacy? Only time will tell. (Update: The Expos smashed the Mets, 6-0)
Other games on the schedule, which will be played time-permitting:
- Dodgers @ Giants (Hank)
- Blue Jays (Seamus) @ Phillies (Derek L)
- Reds (George) @ Pirates (CPU)
Join us starting 12 noon Pacific time on twitch.tv/extrafuture for some 1993 Baseball Action.